Sign up to download the education pack

The pack includes a range of curriculum resources. It is open to any educational organisation or individual to use in conjunction with activities or events relating to the VE and VJ Day 80 commemoration, subject to the acceptable use terms below.

Please complete the form below confirming your acceptance of the terms of use in order to download the education pack.

For any Schools queries, please contact

If requesting access as an individual, enter your name here
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Does your school already have activities planned relating to the VE/VJ Day 80th commemorations?
Stay up to date with educational activities and resources relating to VE & VJ Day 80?
Our email updates are the best way for schools to hear about activities to get involved with, and resources related to VE and VJ Day. You will only be contacted by /together and solely for the purposes of education activities around VE and VJ Day 80.
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