Step 1 of 4 25% In partnership with Imperial War Museums, we’re asking young people and families across the UK to share the stories they find here on our Letters to Loved OnesName of your relative who received the letter(Required)Who are you sharing a memory or letter from? Who is the letter from?Tell us about the letter and how you discovered it(Required)Up to 2000 characters maximum Photo of the letter(Required)This can be taken on your phone but it must be clear and easy to read.Accepted file types: jpg, jpeg, png, gif.Any additional photo (optional)E.g. a photograph of your relative who either sent or received the letter. Please ensure you explain in the description of your submission what the additional photo relates to. Max: 5MBAccepted file types: jpg, jpeg, gif, png, pdf, Max. file size: 5 MB.What town or location does this relate to?We may display this item on a map, so please give a town, city or other address location. For instance, where your loved one was when they sent or received the letter.What is your name?(Required)This will be shown alongside your submission and the details of your loved oneWhat is your email address?(Required)This will not be published. We ask for your email address in case we need to contact you about your contribution (in line with our privacy policy) Privacy consent(Required)I confirm the letters and photos I am contributing belong to me and I agree that you may publish the contribution I have provided above on this website. In case of a query about my submission, I consent to being contacted by DCMS or Imperial War Museums about it. I agree I don't agree Partner consentI consent to my contact details being shared with DCMS' partner organisations (specifically the Imperial War Museum and Commonwealth War Graves Commission) as part of VE and VJ Day 80 commemoration projects the organisations are working on together. I agree I don't agree Media consentI am happy to be contacted by DCMS or Imperial War Museums for the purpose of potentially featuring my submission in media. I agree I don't agree Stay up to date with updates on the VE and VJ Day 80 commemoration?As the commemoration plans gather momentum, our email updates are the best method to keep up to date with new opportunities to be involved. I would like to receive email updates about the VE/VJ Day 80 commemorations Check your answers Click 'previous' if you need to make changes. {all_fields}
More on VE and VJ Day commemorations Letters to Loved Ones Tip Top Towns for VE Day Schools: Our Shared Story Imperial War Museum Royal British Legion Commonwealth War Graves