Tip Top Towns

Share with us how your community is coming together for VE Day 80.

Whether you live in a town, village or city, we’re encouraging the public, volunteer networks and community groups to join together ahead of Monday 5 May to take part in activities that will get your area ready for VE Day 80.

From making your own VE Day 80 decorations to joining a local community group to plant flowers in communal gardens, we want to hear from you on how you are getting in the VE Day spirit.

We want you to share how you and your community are getting your postcode VE Day 80 ready and taking part in Tip Top Towns by:

  • Sharing your pictures across your social media channels using #VE80
  • Submitting your pictures to the VE Day 80 website via the Tip Top Towns form. Your entry will then be reviewed before being featured on our VE & VJ Day map.

We will be offering certificates to those who participate as a thank you for being part of the VE Day 80 commemorations which will be sent directly to your email after your image is published on the map.

Share the activity you've done to makes yours a Tip Top Town

Bunting flags outside building

Not sure what you could do? Ideas could include:

  • Decorating your home – encouraging children to draw pictures to put in their windows, including homemade bunting to put in your windows.
  • Making home made bunting for a local street party (we recommend contacting your council to inform them ahead of decorating public spaces).
  • Getting in touch with your local community gardens’ initiatives, allotments and  neighbourhood gardens to ‘put your skills to use’ by lending a hand weeding and sprucing up our natural spaces ahead of VE Day.
  • Consider planting in windowboxes to further encourage thriving natural spaces in your area.
  • Crocheting bonnets for postboxes and yarn bombing (make sure you contact your local council and Royal Mail for postbox bonnets).
  • Host crafting events to create decorations, for use on the 5th May Street Parties, (contact your council, as they may require permissions to decorate public spaces).
  • Collaborate with community groups to support your neighbours with odd jobs – painting fences to get your community looking its best for VE Day community celebrations.
  • Donate to/decorate mini pop up community libraries, with permissions from owners.
  • Explore activity via our VE & VJ Day map and get involved supporting your community e.g. by helping set up a street party.

Share the activity you've done to makes yours a Tip Top Town

Girl doing gardening

Already part of a community or volunteer group? Consider theming your upcoming activity for VE Day 80 ahead of community celebrations.

Are you a youth group leader? Use our suggestions for Tip Top Towns activities in your sessions to engage young people in the community. For Scouts groups, ensure you pre-order the VE Day Commemorative badge to award to participants through the Scouts website.